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We are all stewards of Second Church! We provide our time, talent and treasure to insure that Second Church can continue  and grow in it’s vital ministry. In October each year, members are asked to pledge financial support for the coming year. The information below will help you to understand the stewardship process at Second Church. However, if you have additional questions or want more information, please leave a message in the church office (617-244-2690) or EMAIL:


ONLINE GIVING is an efficient way to make your pledge or make your offering.
Make a donation                  Learn More


Why should I pledge when it’s easier to put a gift in the offering plate when I attend church?

Pledges enable the congregation to plan a budget for the coming year. While your giving is always appreciated, in whatever form, knowing pledge levels enables us to determine how much we can afford to spend on staff, programming and building upkeep.  In addition, a pledge allows us to keep track of your giving and send you a statement of gifts for tax purposes.

Why should I pledge when it’s easier to put a gift in the offering plate when I attend church?

Pledges enable the congregation to plan a budget for the coming year. While your giving is always appreciated, in whatever form, knowing pledge levels enables us to determine how much we can afford to spend on staff, programming and building upkeep. In addition, a pledge allows us to keep track of your giving and send you a statement of gifts for tax purposes.

Why are there two pledges?

You will notice that the pledge card indicates two pledge amounts – “Second Church’s Ministries” and “Second Church’s Wider Mission.”   Dividing a pledge has been a long-standing Second Church tradition that allows you to determine how you wish to divide your giving between direct support for the program and ministries of Second Church and support for the many organizations and agencies Second Church is able to help through our wider mission dollars.    You can see a list of the organizations supported with our benevolence giving at   The Stewardship Committee suggests that you designate at least 25% of your pledge for support of our church’s wider mission.

How can I fulfill my pledge?

There are a variety of ways that you can pay your pledge.

  • Online giving is available and encouraged.    See the link from the home page ( to pay your pledge through a safe and secure online giving site.  Information about electronic giving can be found on the sidebar of the website.

  • Payments via check can be put in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed to the church office.

  • You can request envelopes and put your envelope in the offering plate on Sunday.

  • You can arrange a bank or stock transfer with the church bookkeeper.

How Much Should I Give?

Some members of our congregation have requested guidance on giving.  The following guidelines for annual giving have been developed by you Stewardship Committee based upon UCC information.

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