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Worship services include Scripture readings, hymns sung by the congregation and by the choir, a pastoral message (sermon), prayers, a blessing and instrumental music. At times, you will be invited to stand, sing, pray, greet your neighbor, be in silence, or read responsively.


Each Sunday an offering is taken which is used to support the many ministries of Second Church.    You are invited to give as you are able. In addition, canned and box food offerings for the Newton Food Pantry are collected.


A communion service, open to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, is part of the service on the first Sunday of the month.


There is not a lot that you need to know in advance to join in a worship service because the Pastor guides the service. The intention is to make it easy for everyone to join in worship and to find meaning in the worship experience.

You can come in your “Sunday best” or in casual attire. It’s not important. All are welcome!

All are invited for a time of coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall following the service.  We enjoy our time together, and look forward to learning more about you.

In addition, on many Sundays, folks are invited to gather for informal discussions or presentations on topics of interest.

A ramp to the sanctuary can be found from the driveway off of Highland Street.   The driveway is immediately to the right of the main church entrance.

We invite you to look around our website to learn more.


If you would like to be in touch with Pastor Carla, or Director of Faith Formation Leah Rumsey, or the Church Office, please email or call. Contact us


But the best way to learn more about Second Church is to come to worship with us and get to know us.  You will find that we are a friendly bunch who will warmly welcome you into our community.


Second Church in Newton
60 Highland Street
West Newton, MA 02465


Our church office can be reached Monday through Friday 9:30 am- 4:30 pm via email and phone. 


*Please keep in mind we are a small staff of mostly part time employees. If you need to visit the building in person, please call ahead to make sure someone is available in the office to meet with you.


Phone: 617-244-2690



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