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Peace Window

Look in the South Transept to the right of the Baptismal Font for the Peace Window, installed in 1950. It honors 318 men and women from Second Church who served in WWII, of whom 14 did not come home. Now in 2023 at the time of the devastating war in Ukraine we again recognize the central importance of the message of peace.


This scripture verse appears in the lower panels:  – “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” (John 14:17). The plaque below the window gives the dedication : “In abiding recognition of the men and women from Second Church who served in World War II, and in deep gratitude for the peace, that transcends war, which Christ offers to everyone.”


The figure of Christ is at the center, offering a gesture of admonition with one hand and blessing with the other. Above the dove of the Holy Spirit descends. The sun glows with a great burst of light. An angel holds a trumpet. In the quatrefoil at the top, the ancient symbol of the globe surmounted by the cross represents the ultimate triumph of love and peace. Throughout the window we find the motif of the olive branch of peace with clusters of olives, as well as stars in bright yellow and green.

Click or tap the image to enlarge it.

Designer: Charles J. Connick Associates

Dedication Date: 1950

Restoration Date: 2022

Donors: Members of the parish

Location: South Transept


Second Church in Newton
60 Highland Street
West Newton, MA 02465


Our church office can be reached Monday through Friday 9:30 am- 4:30 pm via email and phone. 


*Please keep in mind we are a small staff of mostly part time employees. If you need to visit the building in person, please call ahead to make sure someone is available in the office to meet with you.


Phone: 617-244-2690



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